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Jaguar (Panthera onca) Fact Sheet: Bibliography & Resources


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Brown, D. E., 1994. Biotic communities: southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Brown, D. E., and C., A. Lopez Gonzalez, Borderland jaguars - tigres de la frontera. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

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Cat Specialist Group. For more information, see the IUCN Cat Specialist Group website

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Crawshaw, R.G. and J. B. Quigley, 1991. Jaguar spacing, activity and habitat use in a seasonally flooded environment in Brazil, Journal Zoology, 223:357-370.

Eizirik, E., J. H. Kim , M. Menotti-Raymond, P.G. Crawshaw Jr., S.J. O'Brian, W.E. Johnson, 2001. Phylogeography, population history and conservation genetics of jaguars (Panthera onca, Mammalia, Felidae). Molecular Ecology 10 (1): 65-79.91

Emmons, L.., 1991. Jaguars, in Great Cats. ed. J. Seidensticker and S. Lumpkin, 116-123.123. Emmaus, PA; Rodale Press

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Farrell, L., J. Roman, M. Sunquist, 2000. Dietary separation of sympatric carnivores identified by molecular analysis of scats. Molecular Ecology, 9 (10):1583-1590

Fragoso CE, Rampim LE, Quigley H, Buhrke Haberfeld M, Ayala Espíndola W, Cabral Araújo V, Rodrigues Sartorello L, May Júnior JA. 2023. Unveiling demographic and mating strategies of Panthera onca in the Pantanal, Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy. 104(2):239–251. doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyac123.
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Harmsen, B., R. Foster, S. Silver, I. Ostro, C. Doncaster 2009. Spacial and temporal interactions of sympatric jaguare (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) in a neotropical forest [PDF]. Journal of Mammalogy 90(3):612-620.

Hemmer, H. 1968. Report on a Hybrid Between Lion x Jaguar x Leopard - Panthera leo x Panthera onca x Panthera pardus.Säeugetierkundliche-Mitteilungen, 16(2): 179-182

Hemmer, H., Kahlke, R. Vekua, A. 2001. The Jaguar - Panthera once gombaszoegensis (Kretozoi, 1938) (Carnivora: Felidae) in the late Lower Pleistocene Akhalkalaki (South Georgia: Transcaucasia) and its evolutionary and ecological significance. Geobios 34, 475-486.

Hoogesteijn, R. and A. Hoogesteijn 2008. Conflicts between cattle ranching and large predators in Venezuela: could use of water buffalo facilitate felid conservation? [PDF] Oryx 42(1)132-138.​ 

Hoogesteijn, R. E. Mondolfi, A. Michelangeli, 1986. Observaciones sobre el estado de las poblaciones y las medidas legales para la conservaci ón del jaguar in Venezuela. In Wildlife management in Neotropical moist forests: Conservation status of the jaguar, international symposium, Manaus. Brazil, 30-74. Paris: International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation.

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International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 2000. 2000 IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species. Gland: IUCN 

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Species Survival Commission, Cat Specialist Group, 1996. "IUCN Cat Specialist Group - Jaguar"

IUCN. 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Assessed October 2008.

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Janczewski, D. W. S Modi, J. C. Stephens, S.J. O'Brian, 1995. Molecular evolution of mitrochondrial 12S RNA and cytochrome b sequences in the Pantherine lineage of Felidae, Molecular Biology and Evolution 12(4):690-707.

Jędrzejewski W, Robinson HS, Abarca M, Zeller KA, Velasquez G, Paemelaere EAD, Goldberg JF, Payan E, Hoogesteijn R, Boede EO, et al. 2018. Estimating large carnivore populations at global scale based on spatial predictions of density and distribution – application to the jaguar (Panthera onca). PLOS ONE. 13(3):e0194719. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0194719.

Johnson, W. and S.O' Brien, 1997. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Felidae using 16S rRNA and NADH-H Mitochondrial Genes. J. Molecular Evolution, 44:98-116

Johnson, W., Eizirik, E., Pecon-Slattery, J., Murphy, W., Antunes, A., Teeling, E. & O"Brian, S., 2006, The Late Miocene radiation of modern Felidae: A genetic assessment. Science 311: 73-77.

Kolmstetter, C., L. Munson, E. Ramsay, Degenerative spinal disease in large felids, 2000. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 31(1): 15-19.

Larson, Shawn E., 1997. Taxonomic re-evauation of the jaguar. Zoo Biology, 16(2): 107-120.

Leal, S., A. Ravazzolo, 1998. Detection of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in wild felines from neotropical region by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Arquivos da Faculdade de Teterinaria UFRGS, 26(2)

Leite, M. R. Boulhousa, F. Galvao, L. Cullen, Jr., 2001. Conservation of Jaguars in the protected areas of Atlantic coastal forest, Brazil., in Medellin, R.A., C. Chetkiewicz, A. Rabinowitz, K.H. Redford, J. G. Robinson, E. Sanderson, and A. Taber, Jaguars in the new millenium. a status assessment, priotiry detection, and recommendations for the conservation of jaguars in the Americans. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico/Wildlife Conservation Society D. F.

Maffei, L., E. Cuellar, A. Noss, 2004. One thousand jaguars (Panthera onca) in Bolivia's Chaco? Camera trapping in the Kaa-Iya National Park. Journal Zoology, 262:295-304

McCain, E. , J. Childs, 2008. Evidence of resident jaguars (Panthera onca) in the southwestern United States and the implications for conservation. Journal of Mammalogy, 89(1)1-10.

McAloose, D., L. Munsion, D. Naydan, 2007. Histologic features of mammary carcinomas in zoo felids treated with melengestrol acetate (MGA) contraceptives.

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Polisar, J.D. 2000. Jaguars, pumas, their prey base, and cattle ranching: ecological perspectives of a management issue. PhD dissertation, University of Florida.

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Quigley, H. and P. Crawshaw, 1992. A conservation plan for the jaguar Panthera onca in the Pantanal region of Brazil. Biological Conservation 61:149-157

Quigley H. and P. Crawshaw PJ (2001) Reproduction, growth and dispersal of jaguars in the Pantanal region of Brazil. In the jaguar in the new millennium pp Ed. R. Medelin, K. Redford, Q Howard and A. Rabinoqitz. UNAM, Mexico City.

Quigley H, Foster R, Petracca L, Payan E, Salom R, Harmsen B. 2017. Panthera onca. The IUCN red list of threatened species [Internet]. Version 2018.1; e.T15953A123791436 [species assessed 2016 Aug 05; page accessed 2018 Oct 02. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T15953A50658693.en.

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Rosas-Rosas, O. C., 2006. Ecological status and conservatin of jaguars in northeastern Sonora, Mexico. Ph.D. dissertation, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.

Sanderson, E. W., K. H. Redford, C. L. Chetkiewicz, R.A. Medellin, A.R. Rabinowitz, J.G. Robinson, A.B. Taber, 2002. Planning to save a species: the jaguar as a model. Conservation Biology (1):58.

Seymour, K. L. 1989. Panthera onca. Mammalian Species. No. 340, p. 1-9

Schaller, G.B., 1983 and J.M. Vasconcelos., 1978. Jaguar predation on capybara. Z. Säugetierk. 43:296-301.

Shuker, K. 1989. Mystery Cats of the World. Robert Hale: London. p. 173.

Scognamillo, d., I. Maxit, M. Sunquist, J. Polisar, 2003. Coexistence of jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Felis concolor) in a mosaic landscape in the Venezuelan llanos. Journal of Zoology 259:269-279

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Soares, J.N., M. Telles, R. R. Resende, L. Silveira, A.T. Jacomo, R. Morato, J.A. Diniz-Filho, E. Eizirik, R. Brondani, C. Brondani, 2006. Paternity testing and behavioral ecology: a case study of jaguars (Pathera onca) in Emas National Park, Central Brazil., Genetics and Molecular Biology, 29(4)

Soisalo, M. and S. Cavalcanti, 2006. Estimating the density of a jaguar population in the Brazilian Pantanal using camera-traps and capture-recapture sampling in combination with GPS radio-telemetry. Biological Conservation 129: 487-496.

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Weissengurber, G.E., G. Forstenpointner, G. Peters, A. Kubber-Heiss, W.T. Fitch, 2002. Hyoid apparatus and pharynx in the lion (Panthera leo), jaguar (Panthera onca), tiger (Panthera tigris), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), and domestic cat (Felis silvestris f. catus). Journal of Anatomy 201(3): 195-209.

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