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Camels (extant/living species; Camelus spp.): Bibliography

Camels (Camelus spp.)


Animal Info Database. Available online at

Bannikov A. 1976. Wild camels of the Gobi. Wildlife 18:398-403.

Bulliet RW. 1990. The camel and the wheel. New York (NY): Columbia University Press.

Cui, P. R. Ji, F. Ding, D. Qi, H. Gao, H. Meng, J. Uu, S. Hu, H. Zhang, 2007. A complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the wild two-humped camel (Camelus bactrianus ferus): an evolutionary history of camelidae. BMC Genomics 8:241.

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Jones CJP, Skidmore JA, Aplin JD. 2008 Placental glycosylation in a cama (camel-llama cross) and its relevance to successful hybridisation. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 49(3):1030-1035.

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Ming L, Yi L, Sa R, Wang ZX, Wang Z, Ji R. 2017. Genetic diversity and phylogeographic structure of Bactrian camels shown by mitochondrial sequence variations. Animal Genetics. 48(2):217–220. doi:10.1111/age.12511.

Mix H, Reading RP, Blumer ES, Lhagvasuren B. 2002. Status and distribution of wild bactrian camels in Mongolia. In: Reading RP, Enkhbileg D, Galbaatar T, eds. Ecology and conservation of wild bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus ferus). Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia): Mongolian Conservation Coalition and ADMON Printing. pp. 39-48.

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Peters J, von den Driesch A. 1997. The two-humped camel (Camelus bactrianus): new light on its distribution, management and medical treatment in the past. Journal of Zoology, London 242:651–79.

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Price SA, Binidind-Emonds OR, Gittleman JL. 2005. A complete phylogeny of the whales, dolphins, and even-toed hoofed mammals (Cetartiodactyla). Biological Review 80:445-473.

Reading RP, Mix H, Lhagvasuren B, Blumer ES. 1999. Status of wild bactrian camels and other large ungulates in south-western Mongolia. Oryx 33(3):247-255.

Schaller GB. 1998. Wildlife of the Tibetan steppe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Stanley HF, Kadwell M, Wheeler JC. 1994. Molecular evolution of the family Camelidae: a mitochondrial DNA study. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 256:1-6.

Tulgat R, Schaller G. 1992. Status and distribution of wild Bactrian camels, Camelus bactrianus ferus. Biological Conservation 62:11-19.

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Wang Z, Wang X, Bu H. 2002. Status of wild Bactrian camels in China. In: Reading RP, Enkhbileg D, Galbaatar T, eds. Ecology and conservation of wild Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus ferus). Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia): Mongolian Conservation Coalition and ADMON Printing. pp. 25-38.

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Wilson RT. 1998. Camels. London: Macmillan Education.

World Resources Institute [WRI]. 2004. Agriculture and food — livestock: camel stocks [EarthTrends Environmental Information]. Retrieved from

Yadamsuren A, Dovchindorj G. 2005. Preliminary results on a population and ecology study of wild bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus). Proceedings of the Institute of General and Experimental Biology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences 25:44-49.

Yadamsuren A, Reading RP, Blumer ES, Mix H, Mijiddorj B, Choijin S. 2004. Summary of recent research on wild bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus ferus Przewalski, 1883). In: Yadamsuren A, Ulikpan K, eds. Some studies in the Trans-Altai Gobi Ecosystem. United Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia): Nations Development Project-Global Environment Facility, Conservation of the great Gobi ecosystem and its Umbrella Species. pp. 38-45.

Yagil R. 2006. Reproductive processes in camels. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 61(2):52-55.

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