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WRI Library Research Resources: Home

IP Recognized Resources

Getting Started

Much of your research should involve using the Libraries' databases. They are online, searchable, and contain much of the information you will need. If you would like tips, tricks or training please contact the Library. Access is provided through Open Athens. If sign in is required, use the institutional option with Open Athens and your WRI credentials.


Please look for more information on the WRI Library on Banyan under Core Functions/ Research, Data & Innovation (RDI) .


Database and Collection resources

Direct journal subscriptions

Other WRI Library Resources

Tools for authors

Subject Guides

Librarian access only

Select services are used solely by Library staff (Lexis-Nexis, Dialog, etc.) While we regret not being able to provide direct access to Lexis-Nexis to each person who works at WRI, Library staff does have access and can preform searches for you. We can, also, set up ongoing news, business and limited legal searches. Please call or make an appointment.

Ebsco Discovery Service - EDS provides an integrated search of library electronic and print content, with a Google-like interface. Nearly all library content is searched in Discovery, including, ebooks, periodicals and ejournals.

Search: WRI Library Publications - Journal Finder
Limit Your Results

Resources available through the Library

Even in a remote environment, the WRI Library will continue to provide service.

We will continue to obtain materials not available through our online databases and journal subscriptions, this includes books and journals.  The interlibrary loan service will be suspended until we return to the office environment.  If a book is required, we will work with staff to get it to them in the most safe and efficient way possible. Please do not hesitate to reach out to

 If you would like to find out how the databases search, research assistance, or training on any of the databases please contact us in the Library ( If your request is detailed and calls for a comprehensive search, please make an appointment with Julia or Mary to discuss your search needs in more detail. We are happy to help, even virtually.

Remember to check the Journal & Magazine (link in left column) page for direct subscriptions to single online journals (i.e. Science, Nature, E&E Daily / Greenwire) and the Library Catalog to see what hard-copy is available on site.

Instructions for signing in to our databases and journals.

Researchers will use WRI credentials to authenticate to your favorite online resource platforms both on and off-site, giving you the flexibility to start your research wherever you are. WRI Staff must use their network credentials (i.e. / network password) to access online resources regardless of whether they in an office, or remote working. Users will only need to authenticate to OpenAthens once per session. An OpenAthens session stays active for up to 8 hours, unless you clear your browser cache and cookies. The authentication process will differ based on whether resources are accessed via library websites or directly from a content provider website.

For directions see:

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out via email, skype or call.

The video below is outdated, but will give some information on materials available.

Director of Library Services

Profile Photo
Mary Maguire
10 G St. NE
Washington, DC 20002

Library Manager

Profile Photo
Julia Hussey
10 G St., NE
Washington, DC 20002