From UAA's Archives & Special Collections:
The following collections of materials related to oil fields and pipelines have not been fully catalogued.
Please contact ARLIS reference staff at for assistance with this collection.
Location: Special Collections
The 2001 TAPSROW Renewal Reference Collection contains 2,324 items used to prepare the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the 2001 right-of-way renewal application for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. BP Exploration donated the collection.
A print copy of the index, TAPSROW Literature Cited, is on the shelf at the beginning of this collection.
Location: Special Collections across from TAPSROW
This collection contains 337 items, in paper and electronic format, released to ARLIS by ExxonMobil in 2009.
A RefWorks database of the collection describes each item and includes a link to a PDF where available.