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Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Fact Sheet: Bibliography & Resources


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White AM, Swaisgood RR, Zhang H. 2003. Chemical communication in giant pandas: the role of age in the signaler and assessor. Journal of Zoology London 259:171-178.

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Zhang Z, Sheppard JK, Swaisgood RR, Wang G, Nie Y, Wei W, Zhao N, Wei F. 2014. Ecological scale and seasonal heterogeneity in the spatial behaviors of giant pandas. Integrative Zoology. 9: 46-60.

Zheng X, Owen MA, Nie Y, Hu Y, Swaisgood RR, Yan L, Wei F. 2016. Individual identification of wild giant pandas from camera trap photos – a systematic and hierarchical approach. Journal of Zoology 300: 247-256.

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