Population estimates
Methods used to estimate cassowary population sizes
Government of Indonesia
Government of Australia
(Coates 1985; Pratt and Beehler 2015; Birdlife International 2016b; 2016c; Folch et al. 2017a; Folch et al. 2017c, and as noted)
New Guinea and Seram
Australia [Southern Cassowary]
Note: The following information pertains to Southern and Northern Cassowaries only. No Conservation Actions are known to be currently in use for the Dwarf Cassowary (Birdlife International 2016a).
Habitat management
Government protections and scientific study
Community education
Safeguarding dense forest habitat is the best way to protect cassowaries.
Industrial logging is making it possible for hunters to access previously inaccessible areas of forest.
Being flightless and forest-dependent fruit specialists, cassowaries are particularly vulnerable to overhunting and habitat loss.
Image credit: © San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. All rights reserved.