Common names
Scientific name
Family Procyonidae (from Zeveloff 2002 unless otherwise noted)
Genus Potos (from Fulton and Strobeck 2007; Koepfli et al. 2007 unless otherwise noted)
Mythology and Folklore
Exploited by humans
Popular culture resources
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Caniformia
Family: Procyonidae - procyonids (olingos, ringtails, coatis, raccoons)
Genus: Potos
Species: Potos flavus* (Schreber, 1774) - kinkajou
*Nascimento et al. (2017) suggest additional species or subspecies designations may be warranted (based on DNA evidence). As of Apr 2019, subspecies taxonomy not yet formalized.
Artistic work appearing in d'Orbigny's 1849 book Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle.
Image within the public domain in the U.S.
Brown (1956)
Cabrera and Yepes (1960)
de la Rosa and Nocke (2000)
Decker and Wozencraft (1991)
Ford and Hoffman (1988)
Fulton and Strobeck (2007)
Gotch (1995)
Gove (1993)
Helgren et al. (2013)
Hernandez-Camacho (1977)
Husson (1978)
ITIS (2014)
Kays and Gittleman (1995)
Koepfli et al. (2007)
McClearn (1992)
Reid (1997)
Zeveloff (2002)