Global population
Density estimates
IUCN status
CITES status
Persecuted by humans (from Begg 2001b; Begg et al. 2008; Begg and Begg 2002)
Populations within protected areas
Legally protected in some countries (from Begg et al. 2008)
Needed actions
This carnivore has a taste for honey which can bring it into conflict with humans. Unprotected hives of beekeepers are easy targets for the ratel; a single individual can inflict significant damage to bee colonies. Such (learned) behavior places ratels in conflict with humans, leading some beekeepers to protect their hives by killing ratels. A conservation initiative to make available inexpensive, ratel-proof hives has gained traction. Protective measures, including elevating hives in a manner which prevents the ratel from climbing onto them and securing hive access points, can significantly reduce loss. You can learn more about ratels, beekeepers, and hive protection on this website, maintained by The Honey Badger.
Image credit: © San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. All rights reserved.
Begg (2001a, b)
Begg and Begg (2002)
Begg et al. (2008)
EWT (2012)
Gupta et al. (2012)
ITIS (2014)
Waser (1980)