Commercial fishing (Crawford and Shelton 1978; Frost et al. 1976b)
Pollution (diverse forms)
Fur seals (David et al. 2003)
Historical threats
Every day in a line across the island in different directions, each man provided with a basket and a kitchen ladle tied to the end of a long stick, which he used for scooping the eggs from underneath the birds. The average number of eggs obtained in this way amounts to about 300,000 per annum. This does not include the incubated and broken eggs, so that the number taken altogether must be not less than half a million.-- Sclater 1896
Provided areas of protection
Take regulations
Rehabilitation of oiled birds
Ongoing research
Active management programs
Proposed actions
African Penguins on Boulders Beach near Cape Town, South Africa.
Image credit: Andrew Massyn via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.
Adams (1994)
Barham et al. (2007)
Cott (1953)
Cooper (1971)
Crawford and Shelton (1978)
Crawford et al. (1990)
Crawford et al. (2000b)
Crawford et al. (2001)
Crawford et al. (2006)
Crawford et al. (2011)
Crawford (2013)
David (1987)
David et al. (2003)
de V. Reit (1971)
deKock and Randall (1984)
Frost et al. (1976b)
Harrison et al. (1997)
Kemper et al. (2007)
Koenig (2007)
Konings (1997)
Makhado et al. (2013)
Marks et al. (1997)
Nel and Whittington (2003)
Paredes and Zavalaga (2001)
Pichegru et al. (2010)
Rand (1959)
Sherley et al. (2012)
Sherley et al. (2013)
Sparks and Soper (1987)