Endemic to eastern and southern Africa
Savanna, open woodland, forest-grassland mosaic (Kingdon and Butynski 2008; Kingdon et al. 2008)
Elevation range (Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe 2013)
Annual temperature range (Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe 2013)
Precipitation variable across distribution
Extremely adaptable
Chlorocebus pygerythrus distribution.
Adapted from www.d-maps.com according to IUCN fact sheet. Click here or on map for detailed distribution (IUCN)
Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe (2013)
Isbell et al. (1998a)
Isbell et al. (2009)
Kingdon and Butynski (2008)
Kingdon et al. (2008)
Pasternak et al. (2013)
Struhsaker (1967a)