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Vervet Monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) Fact Sheet: Distribution & Habitat


Endemic to eastern and southern Africa

  • Population present in several countries
    • Botswana, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia (Kingdon et al. 2008)


Savanna, open woodland, forest-grassland mosaic (Kingdon and Butynski 2008; Kingdon et al. 2008)

  • Common near water (from Kingdon and Butynski 2008; Kingdon et al. 2008; Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe 2013)
    • Rivers, swamps, lakeshores and the coast of the Indian Ocean
  • Associated with several Acacia tree species (from Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe 2013)
    • Including A. xanthophloea, A. tortilis, A.elatior, A. drepanolobium, and A. karroo, among others

Elevation range (Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe 2013)

  • 0 to >2000 m (0 to >6560 ft)

Annual temperature range (Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe 2013)

  • Mean maximum and minimum temperatures
    • Minimums: 7.6-22 oC (46-72 oF)
    • Maximums: 21.2-39 oC (70-102 oF)

Precipitation variable across distribution

  • Mean annual rainfall: 330-1524 mm (13-60 in)(Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe 2013; Pasternak et al. 2013)
    • 250-510 mm (10-20 in); Masai-Amboseli Game Reserve, south-central Kenya (Struhsaker 1967a)
    • 400-1200 mm (16-47 in); Segera Ranch, north-central Kenya (Isbell et al. 1998a; Isbell et al. 2009)
      • Mean: 720 mm (c. 28 in)

Extremely adaptable

  • Live in rural and urban areas (Kingdon and Butynski 2008)

Distribution Map

distribution map of Vervet monkey

Chlorocebus pygerythrus distribution.

Adapted from according to IUCN fact sheet.  Click here or on map for detailed distribution (IUCN)

Page Citations

Isbell and Enstam-Jaffe (2013)
Isbell et al. (1998a)
Isbell et al. (2009)
Kingdon and Butynski (2008)
Kingdon et al. (2008)
Pasternak et al. (2013)
Struhsaker (1967a)

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