Population size, as of October 2012 (Old World Monkey TAG 2013)
< 170, housed in 41 institutions
North American zoos
Population size, as of August 2011 (Old World Monkey TAG 2013)
< 60, housed in 13 Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) institutions
Most are females
Historically housed in (relatively small) single species enclosures
More recently, larger, mixed-species exhibits have been constructed in an attempt to meet the social and psychological needs of primates (Old World Monkey TAG 2013)
Successful species combinations include vervet (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) with grivet (C. aethiops) and/or red-capped mangabey (Cercocebus torquatus)
Extreme caution and vigilant bio-security practices are necessary when pairing primates, as geographically disparate species have distinctive evolutionary histories with disease (e.g. SIV in African species and Herpes B in Asian species)
Notes on taxonomy of zoo populations (Old World Monkey TAG 2013)
Historical taxonomic treatment within zoos
Included the grivet, tantalus, green, Malbrouck, Bale Mountain, and vervet monkey in a single species
Zoo populations identified as vervet monkeys (C. pygerythrus) may be of hybrid origin
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (SDZWA)
Grivet, Chlorocebus aethiops
First housed at San Diego Zoo in 1921(personal communication T Giezendanner)
Origin of animal unknown
No individuals since 1984
Vervet, C. pygerythrus (personal communication T Giezendanner)