The following collections of Aerial Photographs have not been fully catalogued.
Please contact ARLIS reference staff at for assistance.
Location: beige file cabinets in the file cabinet alcove
This Alaska Department of Natural Resources aerial photos collection contains color and black and white aerial photographs of southcentral Alaska taken by NASA in 1978 and 1979, and a few black and white photos from 1953.
The photos are filed by quadrangle, flight line number, film roll number, and frame number. The flight line overlays for these photos are located in Case 1 in the Map Atrium. There are two drawers of flight lines for the color photos and two drawers of flight lines for the black and white photos. The overlays are filed in the drawers alphabetically by quadrangle and are used with the topographic maps in Case 4.
Stereoscopes for 3-D viewing are available at the ARLIS reference desk.
Location: blue and silver file cabinets next to ARLIS Interlibrary Loan
This collection, compiled by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, pertains to state land associated with Revised Statute 2477. Enacted by Congress as Section 8 of the Mining Law of 1866, RS 2477 granted states and territories unrestricted rights-of-way over federal lands that had no existing reservations or private entries. The Law remained in effect until Congress repealed it in 1976.
More information can be found in the ADNR RS 2477 Fact Sheet. Print finding aids are located in the top file drawer, extreme left.
Digital access is available via GSC-index (arranged by GSC file number); GSC-location (arranged by meridian, township, and range, when available); and GSC-shelf list (shows the shelf-by-shelf arrangement of the collection).
Location: Case 7 in map atrium
Location: Cases 1 and 14 in map atrium
The following collections of photographs have not been fully catalogued.
Please contact ARLIS reference staff at for assistance.
Location: hanging folders in ARLIS Special Collections
This collection of 1,777 historic Alaska photographs from the early 1970s covers all aspects of Alaska, from cultural to scientific, including industry. Most were taken by AEIDC staff for use in the Alaska Regional Profiles.
Some photos were acquired from other sources and copyright permission is available for all photos. Please credit the source.
The photos are filed in numeric order by the photo number, and indexed by subject and region. The catalog, which consists of photocopies of the photos, is cross-indexed in eight regional and 35 subject notebooks, and is located on the bottom shelf next to the hanging folders.
Location: locked storage
This collection of more than 2,400 color slides covers the early days of the oil spill and subsequent clean-up efforts. The photographs include oiled wildlife, the tanker leaking oil, public meetings, protests, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and Prudhoe Bay.
The photo collection has been digitized in JPEG format, and may be searched, viewed, and downloaded in multiple formats.
Images are public domain and may be copied without infringing on copyright. There is an index by photo number.
See ARLIS reference staff for assistance.
Location: ARLIS locked storage – please call reference desk at 907-786-7651 or e-mail for access
The emphasis of these photos from the Alaska Department of Fish is to depict staff in action in-the-field and on-the-job, documenting their historic pursuit of the management of Alaska’s fish and wildlife resources. Another focus is operational facilities, such as hatcheries, weirs, and refuges. Also included are many photographic portraits of ADF&G leaders and staff. A search interface, thumbnails of selected photos, and interpretive information about each photo is available via the Alaska Digital Archives at ARLIS houses the entire collection of photos in subject matter order and appointments to see the photos are available upon request.