African wild ass
"Domestic donkey"
How many kinds?
All African wild asses may actually be a single population with variation by geographic area.
Common Names
Horses diverged from rhinos between 54 and 58 million years ago (Early Eocene) (Ryder 2009)
Most likely horses first dispersed from Europe to North America at the beginning of the Eocene. (Hooker 2008)
The horse family, Equidae, has three main divisions based on anatomy and DNA studies. (Oakenfull et al 2000)
The genus Equus appears around between 4 and 2 million years ago (Pliocene) (Oakenfull et al 2000) (Steiner & Ryder 2011)
A pony-sized horse, Hippidion, appeared in South America after the Isthmus of Panama formed about 3.2 million years ago (Orlando et al. 2009) (Weinstock et al. 2005)
The earliest known true African wild ass (E. africanus ) dates to 1.5 to 1.7 million years ago in Olduvai Gorge, Kenya. (Churcher 1982)
Recent genetic study of horse fossil DNA suggests that in North America there may be only two lineages of horses between 500,000 and 13,000 years ago (Weinstock et al 2005)
According to archaeological finds, donkeys (burros) were domesticated about 5,000 years ago.(Rossel et al 2008)
DNA analysis reveals that more than one distinct wild population of asses contributed genes to today's domestic donkey. (Beja-Pereira et al 2004)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Perissodactyla (horses, tapirs, rhinos)
Suborder: Hippomorpha (horse-like mammals)
Family: Equidae (wild and domestic horses, donkeys, kiang, onager, zebras, extinct quagga)
Genus: Equus
Species: Equus asinus - domestic donkey (or burro, or ass)
Species: Equus africanus - African Wild Ass
Subspecies: Equus africanus africanus - Nubian Wild Ass
Subspecies: Equus africanus somaliensis - Somali Wild Ass
Describer (Date): Equus asinus: Linneaus 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th edition, 1:73. Equus africanus: Heuglin & Fitzinger 1866.
Agusti & Anton (2005)
Beja-Pereira et al (2004)
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (2003)
Churcher (1982)
Clutton-Brock (1999)
Forstén (1988, 1989)
Froehlich (2002)
Groves (1986, 1995, 2002)
Groves & Ryder (2000)
Grubb (2005)
Hooker (2008)
Moehlman (2002)
Rossel et al (2008)
Steiner & Ryder (2011)
Weinstock et al (2005)