Attribute | Male | Female |
Weight | 220-373 kg (480-882 lb) | 273-387 kg (602-853 lb) |
Head and Body Length | 2365-2675 mm (7.8-8.8 ft) | 2250-2600 mm (7.4-8.5 ft) |
Tail Length | 430-515 mm (1.4-1.7 ft) | 430-490 mm (1.4-1.6 ft) |
Shoulder Height | 1120-1470 mm (3.7-4.8 ft) | 1065-1410 mm (3.5-4.6 ft) |
Body shape
Pelage (from Klingel 2013 unless otherwise noted)
Sexes similar
Other Physical Characteristics
Common Name
Scientific Name
Notable Characteristics
Grant's zebra | E. q. boehmi | fully striped | smallest subspecies |
Chapman's zebra | E. q. chapmani | fully striped | largest subspecies |
Half-maned zebra | E. q. borensis | fully striped | mane of adult male reduced or absent |
Crawshay's zebra | E. q. crawshayi | fully striped | numerous, narrow stripes |
Zululand zebra | E. q. burchellii | partially striped* | lateral body stripes un-joined on belly |
Quagga (extinct) | E. q. quagga | lack stripes | background color dark cream or brown |
* Legs of some lack stripes. |
Stripes on plains zebras are regionally variable. Patterns are more prominent in northern populations which lack or have minimal shadow striping. All zebras have a unique arrangement of stripes which can be used to identify individuals.
Image credit: © S Yeliseev from Flickr. Some rights reserved.
Briand Petersen (1972)
Budras et al. (2003)
Caro et al. (2014)
Egri et al. (2012)
Estes (1999)
Groves (1974)
Groves (2013)
Grubb (1981)
Klingel (2013)