Common names
Scientific name
Family Equidae (from Duncan and Groves 2013; Groves 2013 unless otherwise noted)
Genus Equus
Hybridization in equids (from Duncan and Groves 2013 unless otherwise noted)
African folklore and mythology
Ancient Rome (from Jennison 1937 unless otherwise noted)
Attempts at domestication (from Willoughby 1974 unless otherwise noted)
Popular culture resources
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Perissodactyla
Family: Equidae
Genus: Equus
Species: Equus quagga - plains or common zebra (Boddaert, 1785)
**Subspecies: E. q. boehmi
Subspecies: E. q. borensis
Subspecies: E. q. burchellii
Subspecies: E. q. chapmani
Subspecies: E. q. crawshayi
Subspecies: E. q. quagga (extinct)
Subspecies: E. q. zambeziensis
(from ITIS 2014; Klingel 2013; King and Moehlman 2016)
**Taxonomic note: Subspecies listed based on morphological characteristics. Genetic studies (e.g., Lorenzen et al. 2008; Vilstrup et al. 2013; Pedersen et al. 2018) have yielded new insights but subspecies designations still being refined by taxonomists.
Color plate of Burchel's zebra appearing in
Bennett (1980)
Beolens et al. (2009)
Brown (1956)
Doke (1927)
Duncan and Groves (2013)
Eisenmann (1992)
Gove (1993)
Groves (1974)
Groves (2013)
Hack and Lorenzen (2008)
Honeӱ (1910)
ITIS (2014)
Jennison (1937)
Kingdon (2013)
Klingel (2013)
Orlando et al. (2009)
Prothero (2013)
Smith and Dale (1920)
Steiner and Ryder (2011)
Struik (2004)
Willoughby (1974)