Animal enrichment
Notable events
Breeding in Managed Care
Current North American population
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (from ZIMS 2014)
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Prior to 1992, there were few opportunities for individuals in managed care to breed.
Efforts to propagate aye-aye by Duke Primate Center (now Duke Lemur Center) have resulted in a healthy North American managed care population consisting of over 30 individuals, all of which are descendants of 6 wild caught founders. Efforts by Duke and a select group of AZA institutions help guard against extinction.
Image credit: © D Haring/Duke Lemur Center. All rights reserved.
Bartlett (1862)
Carroll and Haring (1994)
EAZA (2011)
Feistner and Ashbourne (1994)
Feistner and Carroll (1993)
Gibson (2012)
Gibson and Ivy (2013)
Quinn and Wilson (2004)
Simons (1995)
Winn (1989)
ZIMS 2014