Sugar gliders can tolerate a broad range of habitats, including degraded ones (Jackson 2015a)
Depend on old trees with hollows for nesting (Nowak 2018a)
Populations may become isolated where fragmented forests impede dispersal (Jackson 2015b; Malekian et al. 2015)
Must be able to jump from tree to tree
Habitat loss
Land cleared for agriculture (Jackson 2015a)
Tree hollows destroyed
Forest habitat fragmented
Forest habitat lost (Jackson 2015a)
Light pollution
Exposure to light at night may impact nighttime activity patterns (Barber-Meyer 2007)
Accidental death
Entanglement in barbed wire fencing (Council 2010)
Drowning (if trapped in a body of water and cannot climb out) (Johnson 2011)
Management Actions
Conservation of important glider habitat (McKay 1989)
Habitat connectivity
Particularly important in agricultural areas (Downes et al. 1997; Suckling 2008)
Strips of forest habitat along roadways allow dispersal (Suckling 1984)
Poles and rope bridges can help gliders cross over roads and gaps between fragmented forest patches (e.g., cross roads) (Jackson 2015b; Goldingay et al., in press)
Enable dispersal and a larger foraging range
Successfully reintroduced to restored forest in southern Victoria (Suckling 2008)
Require nest boxes where there are few natural tree hollows (Suckling 2008; Council 2010; Goldingay et al. 2015, 2018)
Alternative cavities may also be effective (e.g., Rueegger 2017)
Bird predation in Tasmania
Sugar gliders in Tasmania prey heavily on birds, some of which are endangered species (Stojanovic et al. 2014; Campbell et al. 2018)
Considered unusual behavior; does not occur in mainland Australia
May require management/intervention
Actions limited because current laws protect sugar gliders in Australia