Dear Readers,
This fact sheet, like an elephant, is aging gracefully. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is working to bring you an updated version of the African Elephants Fact Sheet with new science and conservation information. Thanks for your patience, as our tusks go to the ground and dig into this huge project. Please check back soon. SDZWA team members can email questions to
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Active day and night
Home range size
Range Overlap
Social animals
Social organization
No evidence of territoriality (Shoshani 1992)
Olfaction/Scent Marking
Herbivore competitors
Carnivore predators
Elephants as "keystone" species
Elephant calf playing in the mud.
Image credit: © San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. All rights reserved.
Caloi (1992)
Estes (1991)
Estes (1993)
Eltringham (1982)
Moss (2000)