Home range size (from summary by Wyatt 1993 unless otherwise noted)
Sex-specific differences
Solitary except during mating season (Nowak 1999)
Mark territorial borders
Aggressive displays
Play behavior (summarized by Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill 1988)
Sound features (summarized from Hoffmeister 1986; Nowak 1999; Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill 1988; Willey and Richards 1981)
Female estrous call (Willey and Richards 1981)
Anal gland secretions
Urine (from Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill 1988; Richardson 1942)
Fecal deposits (Barja and List 2006)
Seasonal marking
Climb in trees and on cliffs and ledges (from Trapp 1972 unless otherwise noted)
Walk on toes
Tail used for balance (Trapp 1972)
Sleep (summarized by Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill 1988)
Grooming (summarized by Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill 1988)
Ringtails rely on speed and agility to hunt at night.
Click on image for video. © From ARKive. Some rights reserved.
Barja and List (2006)
Grinnel et al (1937)
Hoffmeister (1986)
Lacy (1983)
Nowak (1999)
Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill (1988)
Trapp (1972)
Trapp (1978)
Richardson (1942)
Willey and Richards (1981)
Wyatt (1993)