Common name
Scientific name
Procyonid family (from Zeveloff 2002 unless otherwise noted)
North American colonization and diversification (from Zeveloff 2002)
Bassariscus fossils (form Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill 1988)
Trapped by humans
Association with humans
Taxonomy (ITIS 2013; Wozencraft 2005)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Caniformia - dog-like carnivores
Family: Procyonidae - procyonids (olingos, ringtails, coatis, raccoons)
Genus: Bassariscus - ringtails
Species: Bassariscus astutus (Lichtenstein, 1830)- ringtail, cacomixtle norteño
**Subspecies: B. a. arizonensis (Goldman, 1932)
Subspecies: B. a. astutus (Lichtenstein, 1830)
Subspecies: B. a. bolei (Goldman, 1945)
Subspecies: B. a. consitus (Nelson and Goldman, 1932)
Subspecies: B. a. flavus (Rhoads, 1893)
Subspecies: B. a. insulicola (Nelson and Goldman, 1909)
Subspecies: B. a. macdougalli (Goodwin, 1956)
Subspecies: B. a. nevadensis (Miller, 1913)
Subspecies: B. a. octavus (Hall, 1926)
Subspecies: B. a. palmarius (Nelson and Goldman, 1909)
Subspecies: B. a. raptor (Baird, 1859)
Subspecies: B. a. saxicola (Merriam, 1897)
Subspecies: B. a. willetti (Stager, 1950)
Subspecies: B. a. yumanensis (Huey, 1937)
**Revisions may be needed following genetic studies (Gary Roemer, personal communication, 2019)
"Ring-Tailed Bassaris" - an early artistic work by W.E. Hitchock (1851). In: Audubon JJ, Bachman J, Audubon JW. 1851. The Quadrupeds of North America, Vol. 2. New York: V.G. Audubon.
Image credit: © Biodiversity Heritage Library, Flickr. Some rights reserved.
Decker and Wozencraft (1991)
Gotch (1995)
Grinnel et al (1937)
Helgen et al (2013)
ITIS (2013)
Poglayen-Neuwall (1990)
Poglayen-Neuwall and Toweill (1988)
Taylor (1954)
Wilson and Cole (2000)
Wozencraft (2005)
Zeveloff (2002)