Body measurements
Attribute | Males | Females |
Weight | 42-59 kg (93-130 lb) | 40-50 kg (88-110 lb) |
Length |
133.8-149.4 cm (52.7-58.8 in)
128.3-148.6 cm (50.5-58.5 in) |
Tail Length | 8.3-13.5 cm (3.3-5.3 in) | 8.6-12.7 cm (3.4-5 in) |
Data on body measurements from Tables 20 and 22 in Chapter 5 of O'Gara and Yoakum (2004). Values reported are means from study populations across western North America.
Coloration and Patterns
Adaptations for long-distance running and endurance
Genetic characteristics
Pronghorn have forked or branching horns, with a forward-pointing tine, setting them apart from antelopes and bovids (cattle, sheep, buffalo, etc.).
The only suriviving member of Antilocapridae, they are unique in the animal world.
Image credit: © San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. All rights reserved.
The pronghorn's distinctive white rump.
This female has small horns compared to the male pictured above.
Image credit: © San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. All rights reserved.
Byers (1997)
O'Gara (1978)
O’Gara & Yoakum (2004)